What are our strengths
Our group has a long-term experience in developing distributed and intelligent solutions for industrial automation area.
We possess a unique combination of skills from both the ICT world (multi-agent systems, SOA, ontologies, etc.) and the industrial control world (PLCs, SCADA, etc.).
Our group has reputable researchers with a good track record and outstanding research results in the respective fields. We have an established cooperation with premium European research institutes and companies.
What do we want to achieve until 2015
To become an internationally recognized integrated research group aiming at applied research in the field of industrial automation.
To build a testbed providing a laboratory testing environment that will help us with the dissemination of the research results, with the technology transfer and with attracting the students.
To develop an undergraduate course on intelligent industrial automation.
How are we going to pursue the vision
We will strengthen and broaden both the local as well as the international cooperation with universities as well as with companies through common research projects, staff exchange, joint research papers, and co-organization of conference special sessions. Currently our network includes following partners: Austrian Institute of Technology (Dr. Strasser), Vienna University of Technology (prof. Stefan Biffl), Fortiss (Dr. Zoitl), Offis (Dr. Rohjans), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Prof. Leitão), Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Inden), University of Hagen (Prof. Mönch), University of Manchester (Prof. Mehandjiev) National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, University of Huddersfield (prof. McCluskey), Brno University of Technology (Prof. Snasel), VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (Prof. Sekanina), Institute of Computer Science of the ASCR (Prof. Pelikan), Rockwell Automation (Dr. Bezdicek), EADS (Schirrmann), Iskra Sistemi (Dr. Bohar), Spatial Cognition Lab (Dr. Bohbot), Janiga Labs.
Through offerings to participate on our projects within the frame of bachelor and diploma thesis we will pinpoint the best students, from which the PhDs will be recruited.
Within the new Czech Institute for Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) we will build the testbed for experimenting with advanced industrial control approaches.